What to Expect
We can’t wait to meet you and your pets!
Every visit with our veterinarians includes a full physical exam from nose to tail. We check eyes and ears, heart and lungs, musculature and range of motion. The doctor will perform a complete oral exam, discuss preventive dental care and grade your pets overall dental health. Any previous paperwork needs to be sent in before the first appointment.
At this time, we are accepting new clients. New clients are booked four weeks out and we require a deposit to schedule. We do not accept new clients that have been fired or have a balance due from their previous animal hospital.
We are accepting new pets for current clients. We require a deposit to schedule for new patients and we can schedule as soon as there is an opening.
Please bring in a list of any medications, supplements, or vitamins that your pet is taking. It is also helpful to have the amount and name of your pet’s food and treats. You can even take pictures with your smart phone if you are unsure of the pronunciation of a medication, or if the medication is no longer in the original container. Any paperwork from a breeder, shelter or previous veterinarian is required to be sent in before the first appointment.
Dogs need a yearly blood test to check for heartworm infection before they can take prevention. Your pet will also be screened for external parasites so we can prescribe the safest and most effective flea and tick prevention. For a mature pet, the veterinarian may recommend other diagnostic tests to screen for diabetes, kidney disease, liver dysfunction or thyroid problems. If detected early, animals can be treated for these conditions with a good quality of life.
If your pet is ill, exhibiting an unusual behavior, making a strange sound, having any sort of episode or limping, please take a video on your phone! Appointments are exciting! Many pets come in and forget that they have been limping or sick for days. Humans are forgetful too! Start a list of questions and concerns at home and we will answer everything at your visit.
The vet’s office is the only place on earth where we are happy to see poop! Please bring in a stool sample so we can perform a fecal test to check for intestinal worms and single-celled parasites. The Center for Disease Control recommends getting your pet tested for intestinal parasites once a year. Many parasites that pets can get, people can get too! This is especially true for young children who don’t know proper hygiene yet. Any fecal sample that is less than 24 hours old can be tested. The fresher the sample is, the more accurate the results will be.
Please come in approximately 15 minutes early for your first appointment. The front office staff will provide treats for your pet while they enter your information into our hospital records. If you have any questions, please call us!
Every time a patient misses an appointment without providing proper notice, another patient is prevented from receiving care. Clients who fail to show for their appointment or do not notify the office within 24 hours of their scheduled appointment time, shall be subject to a $55 No Show and Cancelation Fee. Surgeries have a $100 Cancelation and No Show Fee. Surgeries must be canceled by 9am the day before, or by 9am on Friday for a surgery scheduled on Monday. For appointments with a deposit, if you do not call and do not come in for the appointment, you will lose the deposit. We require another deposit before we will reschedule.
Your puppy or kitten is examined as they grow, usually the first visit is at around 8 weeks old. The doctor will examine your pet every 3-4 weeks to assess their development and track milestones. Final vaccines are usually done at around 16 weeks old.
At all exams the doctor will examine your pet from nose to tail. We check eyes, ears, heart, lungs, skin, and lymph nodes. Their mouth will be examined to be sure that their baby teeth are being replaced by adult teeth in proper order. Muscle development and neurological development will be will be evaluated and tracked. The stomach and abdomen will be examined in a process called palpation. Your pet’s reproductive bits will be checked for proper development or any possible issues.
We will also check for internal and external parasites. Your pet will be scanned for external parasites like fleas and ticks. Our staff can recommend the safest and most effective prevention. A stool sample checks for intestinal parasites and we will prescribe the proper dewormer. For dogs, we start recommending blood tests at one year old to check for heartworm and tick disease. After the full physical exam, the doctor will discuss the findings with you and answer any questions you may have.