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Keeping Your Pets Safe Around The Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful and joyous time of year, but certain holiday decor and foods can be dangerous for your pets. Use caution with your pets around: Fatty, spicy human foods that contain bones Christmas light wires, Cookies, chocolates and xylitol Toxic plants Ribbon/yarn Light bulbs Tinsel The American Veterinary Medical Association also has […]
READ MOREPet Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving is fast approaching, at Southtowns Animal Hospital we want to make sure that all members of the family have a safe and healthy holiday season. With this in mind, here are some of our favorite Thanksgiving tips for pets. Give your pet a safe space to relax away from holiday commotion and activities […]
READ MOREJanuary is “Walk Your Pet Month”

JANUARY IS “WALK YOUR PET MONTH” The Benefits of Walking Your Pet Retrieved from: What’s better than starting off a new year by helping not only yourself, but your furry friend as well? We couldn’t think of a better way to get off on the right foot, and there’s an easy way to do […]
READ MOREHoliday Safety Tips

Holiday Safety Tips pet-care_holiday-safety-tips_main-image.jpg The holiday season is upon us, and many pet parents plan to include their furry companions in the festivities. As you gear up for the holidays, it is important to try to keep your pet’s eating and exercise habits as close to their normal routine as possible. Also, please be sure […]
READ MOREThanksgiving Pet Safety Thanksgiving Pet Safety Thanksgiving is a special holiday that brings together family and friends, but it also can carry some hazards for pets. Holiday food needs to be kept away from pets, and pet owners who travel need to either transport their pets safely or find safe accommodations for them at home. Follow these […]
READ MOREWinter Care for Dogs Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin, but these aren’t the only discomforts pets can suffer. Winter walks can become downright dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off of bare paws. To help prevent cold weather dangers from affecting […]
READ MOREDangers of Halloween

PET POISON HELPLINE WARNS PET OWNERS ABOUT HALLOWEEN DANGERS The Most Prevalent Toxic Substances A record-setting 70 percent of Americans celebrated Halloween in 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Unfortunately, it was also a very busy time at Pet Poison Helpline. During the week surrounding Halloween in 2011, call volumes increased by 21 percent, […]
READ MOREWater Safety

Not all dogs can swim, and many are poor swimmers. If your dog cannot swim, or doesn’t usually have access to water, invest in a life jacket before going swimming in a pool or natural body of water. Life jackets are a smart idea for any dogs going out on a boat in a larger […]
READ MOREHelping Fireworks Phobias

Dogs who react to fireworks can experience serious distress. They can exhibit behaviors as mild as panting, pacing and whining. Some dogs become upset enough to tremble, drool, bark, howl, or hide. Still others can become so terrified that they desperately attempt to escape from the house and will even urinate and defecate indoors from […]
READ MORESafe Tick Prevention for Cats

The increased incidence in ticks in our area and the risk of Lyme disease which is spread by ticks is causing pet owners a lot of concern. Lyme disease is not likely to occur in indoor cats with no exposure to ticks. In fact, according to the Cornell Feline Health Center, it has never been […]
READ MORELyme Disease in Dogs

Dogs get Lyme disease after being bitten by a tick in the genus Ixodes. In the Northeastern United States, Ixodes scapularis is the most common tick to transmit Lyme Disease. When a tick feeds on an animal that has Lyme Disease, the bacteria travel to the tick’s gut where they stay until the tick feeds […]
READ MORETooth Root Abscesses

What causes a tooth root abscess? -Any trauma to the pulp cavity. This can be a fractured crown, damage from chewing hard objects, or damage to the root of the tooth. -Bacteria from dental caries or exposed dentin -Thermal heat from electrical cord burns -Deep periodontal pocketing How is a tooth root abscess diagnosed? A […]
READ MOREPet Food Recall

Hills Pet Nutrition has issued a voluntary recall of some of its products due to the possibility of excessive vitamin D in the affected product. For a list of serial numbers affected by the recall, please visit Hills website at If you have any of the affected product, DO NOT return it to the […]
READ MOREMake Baths Less Frightening

When bathing your pet, keep calm, go slow, and use plenty of treats and praise at bath time. Also keep the following things in mind: Water Temperature is important! Always use lukewarm water for a bath. Too hot can cause burns, and too cold is just plain unpleasant. Either situation can create a negative association […]
READ MORE#GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. It is celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This special Tuesday begins the season when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. This year Southtowns Animal Hospital […]
READ MORELeptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to people. In the United States, most cases of human Leptospirosis result from recreational activities involving water but transmission from contact with an infected pet is possible. The bacteria that cause Leptospirosis can be found in both soil and water. Leptospirosis is […]
READ MOREKitties and Carriers

We always recommend that you bring your kitty to the hospital in a carrier! There are many types available from plastic top or front loading to soft sided carriers. We have cardboard carriers available for purchase here at the hospital. A carrier is important for your cat’s safety and also for ours. In the event […]
READ MOREProtect Your Pets, and Yourself, From Rabies

Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other warm-blooded animals. Early symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of exposure. These are followed by one or more of the following: violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to move parts of the body, […]
READ MOREThe Feline Distemper Vaccine

Even though the yearly vaccination for cats is commonly called a distemper vaccine, there really isn’t a feline version of the disease that causes canine distemper. The name comes from the fact that when vaccinations for the common serious cat diseases became available, they were compared to a dog getting its distemper vaccine, so the […]
READ MOREThe Canine Distemper Vaccine

The Canine Distemper vaccine, which is abbreviated to DA2PP, protects against four deadly diseases, only one of which is called “distemper”. The “D” in DA2PP stands for Distemper. Canine Distemper has NOTHING at all to do with a dog’s behavior or temperament. Getting the vaccine will not keep a dog calm or stop it from […]
READ MOREPeople, Pets and Zoonosis

Rabies. Lyme Disease. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Salmonella. Psittacosis. West Nile Virus. Zika Virus. Hookworm. Toxoplasmosis. Ringworm. Scabies. Mad Cow Disease. Giardia. Roundworm. Cat Scratch Disease. These are all serious illnesses, caused by many different pathogens. Some are viruses, some are caused by bacteria. Others are parasites, one is a misfolded protein known as a […]
READ MOREOverheating and Heatstroke

As ambient temperatures approach body temperature, animals have a very difficult time keeping cool, especially dogs, which can only lose body heat through panting. Panting moves cool air around the body and nasal passages. A normal respiratory rate for a dog is between 20-30 breaths per minute, but when panting a dog may breathe 200-400 […]
READ MORECaring for Orphaned Kittens

If you find orphaned kittens, you should call the office at 824-4108 so we can assess their health and hydration status, or you should seek help at a 24-hour care facility to have them evaluated after business hours. Unweaned kittens need around the clock care. It is important to feed the kittens with a kitten […]
READ MOREIt’s Kitten Season!

Cats have a unique reproductive system. Intact female cats, which are known as queens, have evolved to be “seasonally polyestrous”. This means that cats only come into heat during one time of the year, but they can have multiple litters during that time. In our area queens begin coming into heat in January, and the […]
READ MOREVaping Products Dangerous to Pets

There aren’t many studies on the dangers of vaping. Preliminary studies have found that vapers have increased mouth sores that do not heal and increased chronic bronchitis. Some of the non-toxic ingredients in e-cigarette liquid or “juice” can become toxic when heated by the e-cigarette coil. E-cigarettes are perceived as a safe alternative for adults […]
READ MORECats and Hairballs

Cats are known for vomiting hairballs, which is more common in long-haired breeds of cat, and tend to be the same color as the cat’s fur. Known medically as a trichobezoar, hairballs are seldom round. As the hair passes from the stomach through the esophagus, the hair takes on a sausage shape. Many people mistake […]

Prevention is best to keep your dog home and safe. Try to prevent escapes by ensuring that fences and gates are secured and in good repair. Dogs can squirm out of gaps in fences, open loose gates, will dig under a fence. Some very small dogs can fit between gateposts even when the gate is […]
READ MOREApril is designated as Prevent Lyme Disease Month.

As we *finally* begin to enjoy some spring weather, many people, and their dogs, head to parks and begin to clean up the yard after winter. Ticks are becoming more active as well. We have been seeing a large increase in tick activity in Western New York, and that also means an increase in tick-transmitted […]
READ MOREHeartworm Prevention is Needed All Year Long

Heartworm is a chronic, insidious, deadly disease that causes damage to the entire cardiovascular system. Vessels are damaged very early on, before the infection is even detected in a test, and the longer those worms live in the vessels of the heart and lungs, the worse the damage becomes. Adult heartworms can grow to be […]
READ MOREStop by Our Table!

We would love if you would come and visit our table at the Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce Health, Fitness & Business Expo to be held on Saturday, March 24, 2018 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Orchard Park Country Club on 4777 S. Buffalo Street, Orchard Park. Southtowns Animal Hospital will be helping […]
READ MORELily Toxicity in Cats

As Easter approaches it is time to worry about cats and Lilies. After the long Western New York winter, we look forward to flowers bright flowering bulbs are popular gifts. Every store and nursery bursts with the colorful blooms. When discussing lily poisoning, most people think of white Easter lilies, but modern horticulture has produced […]
READ MOREMarch is National Poison Prevention Month

When it is possible your pet may have eaten something toxic, it is important to ACT QUICKLY! If you suspect your pet has ingested any of these items or any other questionable substance, call us IMMEDIATELY for assistance. After hours or on weekends seek IMMEDIATE help at a 24-hour veterinary emergency facility. Fast and accurate […]
READ MORESpaying and Neutering Has Health Benefits for Pets

Spayed females tend to live longer. Spaying helps to prevent breast cancer. Having your pet spayed before the first heat gives the best protection, but there can also be benefits from allowing your pet to have one heat cycle before surgery. It is best for you to discuss this with the veterinarian. Unspayed females are […]
READ MORE4 out of 5 Pets Live With Dental Pain

It is a sad statistic, but true. 4 out of 5 pets are living with dental disease, pain, and infection. Animals are very good at hiding symptoms of pain and discomfort, so many owners are unaware of the problem until it is severe. Some signs that your pet is experiencing dental discomfort include: Bad Breath […]
READ MOREBe Aware of Xylitol in Common Products

Recently, some posts about certain brands of peanut butter being a danger to dogs have been circulating on social media such as Facebook. Dogs love peanut butter. It is a very common flavor for treats and dog biscuits, as well as being used right from the jar to stuff a treat or give a reward. […]
READ MORE2018 Is Going To Be An Exciting Year!

We are delighted to announce that Southtowns Animal Hospital has acquired the building at 136 Orchard Park Road, the former site of Continental Transmission. There are many new and fantastic things in store for this property, including deluxe boarding for dogs, cats and exotic animals, obedience training, behavior training, day care for dogs, and more! […]
READ MORESome Winter Tips for Your Pets

Know Your Dog’s Limits A dog’s cold-tolerance and from breed to breed. If it is too cold for you to stand outdoors without a coat, it is probably too cold for your dog. Short-haired dogs feel the cold faster and should wear warm, dry coats for outdoor activities. Short legged pets become colder faster because […]
READ MOREHelp Support The Animal Food Bank of WNY

Bring your pets and join us for Photos With Santa on Saturday December 2nd and Saturday December 16th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm! Photos are $5.00 each, and all proceeds go to benefit the Animal Food Bank of Western New York There will be a basket raffle, and treats for people and pets! Please help […]
READ MOREEverything You Need to Know About Heartworms

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets in the United States and many other parts of the world. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the […]
READ MORE3 Serious Canines Conditions

The following 3 conditions are serious illnesses that may happen to a dog. If you notice any of these symptoms or are worried your dog may be afflicted with one of these it is important that you give us a call and bring your dog to the Vet immediately! Canine Infectious Hepatitis Canine Infectious Hepatitis […]
READ MOREWhat is Distemper Anyway?

As we all know, Canine Distemper has NOTHING at all to do with a dog’s behavior or temperament. Many people mistakenly believe otherwise. The confusion comes from the origins of the word and the sometimes strange notions people had about what caused diseases many hundreds of years ago. Our word “Distemper” comes from the Latin […]